Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Why my food photography sucks

I have no natural light in my kitchen. We live in a townhouse and the kitchen is in the middle of the house. Add to that it has florescent lighting and it really sucks. And right it's with a 3 year old point and shoot. I have a Nikon dSLR. I got it for Christmas from Mike. Apparently it was missing the do-hickeys on the strap that keep the strap in place. It slipped off my neck camping. Like crashed to the ground, slipped off the strap. I cried in the middle of our hike. It seemed to be working ok, then I took off the lens. And there loose, was a cylinder inside the lens rattling around. So, now I get to drive out to Nikon Canada and hope against hope they'll cover it under warranty since my strap came defective out of the box, and it's my kit lens. So please, if you read this, do a warranty dance for me.


  1. Hey! I just wanted to say hi :) I love the colors of your blog. I would cry too if I had dropped my camera. I have no tips on lighting but check out the photography section at 2peas they have great ideas!

  2. Love your blog! I posted on 2peas that my food is ugly LOL. I got a lot of great tips on the thread. Sorry about your camera! Doing a warranty dance for you... ;-)

  3. I also live in a townhouse with horrible lighting (Pacific NW rain + no south windows) so I am lucky to get a picture without using a flash. And my food photography... not so good either.

    I found your blog through Two Peas, keep it up!
