Mike and I met almost 7 years ago at a New Year's Eve party and started dating just short of six months later. We've barely been apart since. We were married two years and 6 days after our first date, pregnant a year later and then we had Cole in February 2008.
Cole was a rough pregnancy and I think I had almost every complication known to man. I threw up non-stop and ended up on prescription medication for it. Then I developed an irritable uterus that caused contractions strong enough to wake me up at 21 weeks. Then there was the insulin dependent gestational diabetes. Finally at 30 weeks, I developed pre-eclampsia and wasn't really allowed to leave my couch or bed, let alone my home. After all that, he was born 5 weeks early, hypoglycemic and was admitted to the NICU to stabilize his blood sugars, plus being on pins and needles waiting to see if he'd brady or desat, since there were some issues there as well. Finally got to take him home and he developed colic and reflux. He cried. He screamed. I wondered what the hell we were thinking. Mike swore we were good with one. No more babies. I think because my delivery did not go well, he was terrified he'd lose me if I tried again. Cole is now 2.5 and you'd never know how much trouble he gave us at the beginning. He still gives us trouble, but well, he's 2.5. And from what I hear it doesn't get much better until around 4. Yay.
I managed to convince Mike that another would be good. So we tried again. And two years and two weeks later to the day, Carson was born. I actually joked to Mike that it was a good thing their birthdays are in different pay periods when I was in labour. My epidural must have been in by then. The only grief my pregnancy with Carson gave me was the standard first trimester morning sickness and another round of insulin dependent GD. I expected that though. Oh, and a really long, drawn out labour and being thisclose to being classed as failure to progress. I made it though. We're done with kids now. I'm kinda over jabbing myself 4 times a day for insulin. We're out of bedrooms. We're exhausted with the two we have. And they're perfect and the best thing we ever did. He's 6 months, has the best smiles and crawls all over the house.
When I met Mike he was unemployed and living at his parents at 24. Hot catch, huh? He had nice eyes that were kind, made me laugh, and I wanted to talk to him forever and it was easy. I went in from our first date knowing that I would be with him a very long time. And here we are. So we started dating and he figured he better get a job, and be responsible, etc. So he got a job stocking shelves at a drugstore. 6 years later and he's been managing stores for almost 4 of them and is now going to different low performing stores, turning them around and then moving on to the next one. It's a lot of long hours, but a good career move on his part. He created a career doing this. I am so insanely proud of him.
I'm on maternity leave still. I don't have a job to go back to since my office will close before my leave ends. I'm not sure what I'm going to do when it's up. I'll get my severance then, but other than that, who knows. I'm really enjoying this stay at home gig. It's busy. It's exhausting. I'm more exhausted and stressed out now than I was as a full time working mom. I'm also trying to deal with postpartum depression, that everyone (my dr's) is kind of nervous might turn into postpartum psychosis. I am bipolar. I had to go off my meds to get pregnant with Cole. I had not had an episode since 2002. I stayed pretty much stable all that time, even off meds. Mike says I started to slip a little at the beginning of my pregnancy with Carson. Now, here I am, back on all the meds I got off of, seeing a reproductive psychiatrist and a therapist a couple times a month, trying to get my head together and stay sane. My kids need me. I have to stay healthy.
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